Internet Marketing Strategy and Planning Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to build a solid understanding of the principles of online marketing and help you develop an Internet marketing strategy that stand the test of time.

The workshop is less about “The Technology” and more about “How to get the most out of it?” and developing the right mind-set for marketing in an Internet world. So, there will be less about tactics and much more on fundamentals: fundamentals that are as relevant now as they were ten years ago and will likely be just as relevant in another ten years’ time. In the morning session, we will establish the fundamentals of digital marketing and development of online marketing strategies.  The afternoon session is all about the tools available for digital marketing and how to prepare an action plan.

Who should attend?

  • Directors and Managers of companies who want a better understanding of online marketing, or simply feel that they should be getting more out of it; and/or
  • Those responsible for marketing on a day to day basis.

The seminar is of much use to someone totally new to Internet marketing as it is to someone with a considerable experience looking to find simplicity in an increasingly complex landscape.

Key Topics:

The day will run over 2 parts, Morning session

  1. Why the internet has changed marketing
  2. Taking ‘online’ philosophies into your ‘offline’ marketing
  3. Developing online marketing strategies
  4. Websites that sell

Afternoon session

  1. Digital marketing tools (Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media, PPC, Email Marketing,…)
  2. Developing your Internet marking action plan
  3. Measurement – developing a culture of continuous improvement
  4. Discussion and Networking

In a nutshell – the day will give you a LOT of things to think about and focus on, we want to help you make a splash with your online marketing! by the end of the day you will make a practical start with your online marketing!